Hello, and welcome to our new blog. We’d like to keep our families informed regarding veterinary care for their special companions.
If you search the web, there are hundreds of pet related blogs, and you can find something written about almost every topic.
Therefore, we’d like this blog to reflect the topics that you, our readers and followers, are interested in. We could write all day about the importance of preventative care, about fleas, and about veterinary medicine. But, you can already find blogs like these on the internet, so we don’t feel the need to repeat things you already know.
So, please submit to our email address suffolkvetgroup@optonline.net something you’d like to learn more about your pet, veterinary medicine, or any companion animal related topic. We promise to do our best in researching the answers you are looking for, and write it up for a blog post.
And if you still would like to read information about preventative care, fleas, and general veterinary medicine, that’s okay, too. The only dumb question is one that goes unasked.
Thank you for your interest, and we can’t wait to provide you with an informative blog! Remember to submit your topic of interest to suffolkvetgroup@optonline.net.