Selden Dog Park

Will Your Dog Go To The Boyle Road Dog Park In Selden?

Everyone in our community is excited for the construction of the off-leash dog park in Selden off of Boyle Road behind the Independence Plaza shopping center. This is a great opportunity for dogs to socialize and get some exercise if they have smaller yards or no off-leash possibilities at home.

Always make sure your pet is up-to-date on their vaccines and preventative medications before going to any dog park. Dog-to-dog contact increases the transmission of very communicable disease and parasites. If your pet has not received the kennel cough or canine influenza vaccines, make sure they do before visiting a dog park. Kennel cough and canine influenza are transmitted by nose-to-nose contact, which happens very frequently in dog parks as dogs greet each other, and there may be no visible symptoms of the pet being sick. Always give your pet their Heartworm Preventative Medication one time a month, every month of the year. Not only does this medication prevent heartworm, which is transmitted by mosquitoes, but also protects against intestinal parasites transmitted by eating dog poop not properly cleaned up, or the poop of wildlife (rabbits, stray cats, etc) that will also inhabit the dog park after the dogs have left. The Leptospirosis vaccine is highly recommended for dogs visiting a dog park, as this disease is transmitted by water, and communal watering bowls or spigots provided by a dog park can be shared by sick wildlife as well as by pets, leaving this bacterial disease to be drank by unsuspecting visitors.

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With canine socialization, there also comes a great degree of risk certain dogs will not get along. Dr. Winkler’s greatest concern regarding this dog park is an increase in dog-on-dog aggression and resultant dog fight injuries. We recommend all puppies attend Puppy Kindergarten during their optimal socialization period of development at 8 weeks (2 months) to 20 weeks (5 months) of age so they can learn proper doggie manners. Puppy Kindergarten will also help you learn more about your puppy’s personality and whether they’re a good fit for play time at a dog park. Puppies younger than 4 months of age, who has not completed their puppy vaccine series, and/or who have not yet had their Rabies Vaccination should NOT visit a public dog park!

Before you let your dog off of their leash, also click on the links below to learn more about Dog Park Etiquette.

“15 Things Humans Do Wrong At Dog Parks” –by Jaymi Heimbuch

“Dog Park Etiquette” –by Association of Pet Dog Trainers

“Dog Park Etiquette: Rules To Help Dogs Get Along” –By Dr. Sophia Yin

Finally, visit this link to find more great Dog Parks on Long Island, and other pet friendly things to do with your furry family.

Suffolk Veterinary Group Pet Owner Information: Long Island Dog Parks

We hope your dog makes new friends and has exciting adventures at the Selden Dog Park. If you have any other questions, please call us at 631-696-2400 and we will be happy to help.

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