Gingival Hyperplasia and Gingival Epulis

An overgrowth of gum tissue in dogs and cats which can be inherited, or caused by the use of certain drugs, Gingival Hyperplasia and Gingival Epulis can lead to the growth of gum tissue up and even over teeth. This creates deep pockets on either side of the tooth which help to trap bacteria and form plaque and tartar, leading to tooth decay. Severe cases of plaque and tooth decay can in turn lead to more gingival hyperplasia.

Your pet may show signs of trouble eating, foul breath, and even bleeding from the gums, especially if the growth of the gums is such that the pet is actually chewing on it. Laser surgery and therapy can help to correct this problem.

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Under general anesthesia, the surgical laser is used to remove the excessive gum tissue, creating a neat appearance while destroying harmful bacteria. If the excessive growth of the gums is suspected to be a mass such as a Gingival Epulis or a harmful tumor, the tissue is biopsied to help analyze your pet’s condition completely. The teeth are also checked and cleaned at this time, followed by a session with the therapy laser to promote healing of the affected tissues. The improvement in breath and condition is immediately apparent, and we have seen marked improvements in appetite and behavior in the week following the procedure in these patients.

More advanced and problematic cases may require a referral to a Veterinary Oral and Dental Specialist. For a consultation on your pet’s dental and gingival condition, please contact Suffolk Veterinary Group at 631-696-2400 today!