Emergencies happen. Pets are no less prone to having an immediate medical crisis than humans are, and prompt action is required so we can get our special companions on the path to feeling better as quickly as possible.

Click Here For Our Appointment Policy

Please note, Suffolk Veterinary Group Animal Wellness & Laser Surgery Center is not a critical care, emergency, or specialty veterinary facility. While we will do our best to see your pet should they require immediate medical attention as our scheduling and staffing allows during our office hours, we reserve the right to refer, transfer, or otherwise redirect patients to a critical care, emergency, or specialty veterinary facility if we deem it is within the patient’s best interest to do so.

A Network Of 24-Hour Critical Care Services

As a solo-doctor practice, we know it is important to you that Dr. Winkler take care of your pet personally. This is why we have built trusting relationships with the many wonderful animal emergency and critical care hospitals on Long Island. By working closely with these state-of-the-art hospitals, we have ensured that you have a place to take your pet where they will receive exceptional care should they have a medical crisis when Dr. Winkler is otherwise unavailable. These emergency and critical care facilities are available 24 hours a day, unlike Dr. Winkler, who does require sleep and some family time so that he can be the best possible veterinarian your pet deserves.

Appointments are not necessary at any of the 24 Hour Animal Emergency Rooms, although they do appreciate a phone call from you in advance of your arrival so that they can be prepared to tend to your pet right away. These hospitals always fax us a report of your pet’s visit, and the moment Dr. Winkler arrives at Suffolk Veterinary Group, he will review the report and contact you to see how your pet is doing, and to continue consultation and care.

Poison and Toxic Substances

If you suspect your pet has ingested something poisonous, call one of the following numbers below to consult with Veterinary Toxicologist, get a case number, and then contact Suffolk Veterinary Group right away so we can begin treatment as soon as possible.

ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center
Phone: 1-888-426-4435
On The Web: www.aspca.org
Fee: $70.00 per incident

Pet Poison Helpline
Phone: 1-800-213-6680
On The Web: www.petpoisonhelpline.com
Fee: $49.00 per incident

Same Day Emergency Care Scheduling

Please note, Suffolk Veterinary Group Animal Wellness & Laser Surgery Center is not a critical care, emergency, or specialty veterinary facility. While we will do our best to see your pet should they require immediate medical attention as our scheduling and staffing allows during our office hours, we reserve the right to refer, transfer, or otherwise redirect patients to a critical care, emergency, or specialty veterinary facility if we deem it is within the patient’s best interest to do so.

Sick patients get top priority in the Suffolk Veterinary Group scheduling, and we do our best to schedule them for Same Day Emergency Care. There is an increased examination fee associated with Same Day Emergency Care since critical cases take longer consultation times, and may inadvertently bump other appointments due to the necessity of performing diagnostic work-ups on sick patients.

We, and your pet, appreciate when you schedule a sick patient appointment as soon as you see symptoms, as waiting until your pet is suddenly incapacitated, and trying to schedule a same day appointment can be frustrating, as we have limited availability to see everyone all at once, so the only Same Day Emergency Care appointment time we have available to see your pet may conflict with your personal daily schedule. Also, waiting 1 or 3 days to call the veterinarian can make a bad situation worst, and leave your pet suffering unnecessarily.

This is why we do not schedule same-day Healthy Pet Vaccination Appointments. If your pet requires vaccination, or does not have a critical illness in need of Same Day Emergency Care, please understand we will gladly do the best we can to get your companion in to see the Veterinarian as soon as possible, but we will only be offering appointment times at least 2 weeks out when you mention the reason for your scheduling is vaccination.

We cannot combine Same Day Emergency Care appointments with vaccination, and we will not vaccinate Same Day Emergency Care patients. Same Day Emergency Care appointments are for tending to sick and critical patients only. Healthy Pet Vaccination Package Care Appointments are intended for pets in good health, whom do not need sick patient care, and for whom scheduling two-weeks in advance will not be a detriment to their health.

We appreciate the courtesy of all our valued families in understanding if delays in our day are caused by medical emergencies. Just as you are kind and considerate in being understanding, we will return to you and your pet the same compassion and consideration when they need immediate care.

Please note, Suffolk Veterinary Group Animal Wellness & Laser Surgery Center is not a critical care, emergency, or specialty veterinary facility. While we will do our best to see your pet should they require immediate medical attention as our scheduling and staffing allows during our office hours, we reserve the right to refer, transfer, or otherwise redirect patients to a critical care, emergency, or specialty veterinary facility if we deem it is within the patient’s best interest to do so.

Walk-In Patients Will Be Seen On A Triage Basis

This means that if your pet is not having an immediate medical crisis, you may experience some wait time as our Veterinary Team completes their responsibilities with the scheduled appointments. We will gladly see you and your pet as soon as we possibly can, but encourage walk-in patients to schedule appointments for another time, so that you and your pet experience as little wait time as possible. We understand your time is valuable, which is why we always strive to provide each patient with scheduled time in which they are our sole focus, and enforce our appointment policy.

Walk-In Patients not experiencing an immediate medical crisis who decline to schedule appointments for a more convenient time will be charged our Same Day Emergency Care examination fee, in addition to any examination or vaccination services they require.

To Schedule An Appointment, Call 631-696-2400